What Would God Decide?

In the last hundred years, laws have been removed, changed, and added which have affected the morality of our Country.

  • Prayer was removed from schools and public places.
  • Sex before marriage was common place and condoned.
  • Abortion was made legal.
  • Divorce was made easier and half the marriages end in divorce.
  • Homosexuality was legal and encouraged.
  • Same sex marriage was made legal.
  • Gender change was allowed, easier, and accepted.

Most churches remained inlet byre fusing to get involved in politics. They wee afraid of losing their non=profit tax status.

As a result, good Godly candidates were not elected and laws were removed, changed or altered. What would God have said if the churches had prayed for guidance.

For example, when abortion was in question. would God have said that women should have a choice and the church might lose its non- profit tax status or would God have said it is a sin. Stop it.

On homosexuality, would God have said that it is a private matter and the church might lose its anon-profit tax status in addition to being charged with a crime or would God have said it is a sin . Stop it.

With gender change, would God have said that he may have made mistakes on gender and the church could lose its nonn-profit tax status or would God have said that it is a sin . Stop it.

God would not want us to vote for sin. We must vote for God and not sin. Vote your faith so Godly candidates will be elected.

It is time for churches to get involved in politics and work to get Godly candidates elected. Church need to work together to ask their congregations to vote for an endorsed candidate.

We can make America a Godly Country again.

If churches join together and get involved in politics and if you would vote your faith and not your party, Godly candidates would get elected and work to change the laws to make America Godly again.

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