The American Cristian Caucus (ACC) is a Nevada grassroots group of Christians who believe that the principles laid out by our founding fathers were Biblical and wise. Therefore, they advocate to preserve them.
The ACC that is working to encourage churches to support Godly candidates to get them elected. They want to make Nevada Godly again.
They encourage churches to get involved politically and support Godly candidates. They explain who they can be politically active and still retain their tax status. By developing a web site for pastors which would have the information needed, they could reach the entire nation resulting in a movement which could make America Godly again.
Godly candidates are needed. If you would like to run for office, contact the ACC at 702-466-8582. At this time they do not have a web site, but you can visit them on their fakebook page at ((3) Facebook.
Candidates should receive information on setting up their web site. They should also receive templets for their web site, business cards, downloadable flyer, post cards, and brochure.
The ACC will create and train grassroot groups to harvest ballots, phone voters, register voters, nd canvas . These groups will support Godly candidates to help get them elected. If a candidate is in a primary election, they should contact registered voters in the party to encourage them to go out and vote for the candidate. The ACC candidate should win the primary if the churches and ACC support them.
If the churches get involved, the people get involved, and the candidates campaign, Godly candidates will get elected. Within a few years, Nevada will be Godly again. Using Nevada as an example, America can be Godly again.
To help will list Candidates and also contact churches nationwide to get them to join together.
Make America Godly Again!
Get involved, vote, and PRAY,PRAY,PRAY.