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Boycott Cracker Barrel

Cracker Barrel goes all out for ‘Pride’ month.

Historically known for its antique decor, Southern country-themed menu and affordable prices, Cracker Barrel Old Country Store has traded its once family-friendly charm for the promotion and celebration of LGBTQ Pride Month.

On June 8, Cracker Barrel posted on its Facebook page, “We are excited to celebrate Pride Month with our employees and guests. Everyone is always welcome at our table (and our rocker). Happy Pride!” Included with the post was a photo of a rainbow-colored rocking chair in front of one of its stores.

The backlash by conservative families was quick and firm. The Texas Family Project called on supporters to boycott Cracker Barrel, stating “a once family friendly establishment has caved to the mob.”

Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson (R) also joined in on the protest, tweeting: “BYE BYE CRACKER BARREL! I will NEVER eat there again!!”

Over the past few years, as Cracker Barrel has focused on promoting unpopular social ideals, some customers have remarked that the quality of its food and service has taken a back seat. Customer Matt H. posted on his Facebook page, “I will never be back to Cracker Barrel. Their food was starting to get bad. Not what it used to be. Sorry Cracker Barrel, you won’t be getting any more of my money.”

If you remember, it was Cracker Barrel who pulled the Duck Dynasty products from its shelves when patriarch Phil Robertson took a biblical stand on sexuality. However, the backlash was so strong, the restaurant chain reversed its decision and put the items back out.

Cracker Barrel needs to hear from you, especially if you are –– or were –– a regular customer.

TAKE ACTION 1. Sign our petition to Cracker Barrel, urging the company to stop pushing a social agenda that offends a huge segment of its customer base. 2. Call your local Cracker Barrel, (get the number here) ask for the manager and let him/her know you think the company is headed down the wrong track with its promotion of Pride Month. (Getting a live person at the corporate office is virtually impossible.) 3. Leave a comment on Cracker Barrel’s Facebook page here.           Sincerely,         Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

Rules For the Righteous

in 1958, Cleon Skousen wrote the book, “The Naked Communist”. It documented 45 communist goals for destroying America. Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is a 1971 book by community activist and writer Saul D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change

We need Rules For Righteous People to fight back and save our Country. These are suggestions and will be finalized after we review the comments.

Tule 1: Put God first in your life. In Politics, vote your faith and not your political party.

Rule 2: Elect a Godly sheriff because the sheriff is the most important law official in the country.

Rule 3: Elect Godly judges because judges are now revising law with their decisions.

Rule 4: Bring prayer back into the school and other public buildings and functions by contactin your elected officials.

Rule 5: Get involved with a church. Work to get your church to stop bowing to the government and to put God first. Promote and support the bible and righteous churches.

Rule 6: Regain control of the schools and education. Stop the spread of socialism. Elect Godly school officials. Encourage your church to start an Educational Bible Study which would help home school children.

Rule 7: Fight for the right to life by eliminating abortions by contacting your elected officials

Rule 8: Restore marriage as a religious ceremony by making making homosexual marriage illegal. The state can provide them with another type of civil arrangement. Be active in contacting your elected officials

Rule 9: Eliminate the fake press by by boycotting them and establishing and supporting only real Godly news businesses.

Rule 10: Get involved with politics and elect Godly people to office.  We accomplish this by voting our faith and not our political party..

Rule 11: “Fear not!” is the most repeated command in the Bible. We must trust in God and move ahead with courage.


Click on the pdf symbol below to print copies to distribute to your friends.

“God is No Concern of This Congress”

This why we need to vote our faith and not our party. We need to elect Godly people.

Help Your Child Achieve the American Dream.

We have a crisis at our border because thousands of people want to enter our Country to achieve the American dream. Yet, our children who are citizens may no be able to live the American dream.

As the news programs, entertainment industry, and our schools are changing history and are reprograming our children, the American Dream is dying. Americans will no longer be able to improve their financial and social standing.

We will become a nation of renters who are living from week to week. America is becoming a socialistic oligarchy.

To educate our children about our Republic, Capitalism, and our God-given rights, we, as parents, must spend time with our kids. We must take the time to teach them about our history and their rights.

One way would be to take 10 mixtures at least once a week to watch a PragerU 5 minute video. After watching the video, spend a few minutes discussing the topic of the video.

Here are a few links to videos you may like to use.

What I can teach you about racism.

How socialism ruined my country.

The government isn’t supposed to fix your life.

Cops are the good guys.

Calling people racist isn’t new.

Capitalism versus socialism.

Start this week to use these videos to teach you children about our Country. Teach them what is necessary to achieve the American dream.

It would also be helpful to support TragerU continue to provide these videos by donating to them.