How to Become a Candidate.

We are looking for people who wish to run for office . If you are interested in running for office here is information on how you can file. you want to run for office, be sure to fill the questionnaire out on We will be glad to give you some help.

To become a candidate in any election the first thing you must decide is which office you want. The next thing you must do is decide what party you will choose to run as a candidate for. You may also choose to run as a an independent.

To run as a republican or Democrat all you have to do is be a member of the party and file . You will then be in the primary and the winner of the primary will be in the general election for that party .

If to wish to run as an independent American party, No Labels Party or libertarian candidate, just notify the party which office you want to be a candidate.

They will then decide if you will represent them when they have their convention.. If you are chosen, you will be in the general election automatically .

If you wish to run as an independent then you will need to

submit a petition containing signatures of registered voters equal in number to at least 1 percent of the total votes cast at the last general election for the same office the candidate seeks

  • or submit a petition containing 250 signatures of registered voters if the candidate seeks statewide office, or containing 100 registered voters’ signatures if the candidate seeks any other office.

Filing For Judicial Office

To run for a judicial office in the State of Nevada, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a bona fide resident of the State of Nevada for two years next preceding the election;
  • Be a qualified elector pursuant to Section 1 of Article 2 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada;
  • Be 25 years of age at the time of the election; and
  • Be an attorney licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts in the State of Nevada, another state, or District of Columbia for not less than 15 years at any time preceding election or appointment, at least two years of which have been in Nevada, if filing for candidacy for the Nevada Supreme Court; or
  • Be an attorney licensed and admitted to practice law in the courts in the State of Nevada, another state, or District of Columbia for not less than 10 years at any time preceding election or appointment, at least two years of which have been in Nevada, if filing for candidacy for Nevada District Court.
    Candidacy declaration forms are accepted in March for a 10-day period.
    Monday, January 2, 2024 to Friday, January 12, 2024 (by 5 p.m.

Upcoming Candidate Filing Periods: 

Judicial: January 2 – 12, 2024

Pursuant to SB418 (2023), certain judicial candidates are now required to fill out and submit a questionnaire during the filing period. These questionnaires are located here.

List of candidates who filed for Judicial office – TBD

Additional information about the candidates – TBD

Non-Judicial: March 4 – 15, 2024

List of candidates who filed for non-Judicial office – TBD

Additional information about the candidates – TBD

Fees for local offices range from 0 to$100. For state offices, the fees are $100 to $500.

As a candidate, be sure to file all forms on time to avoid ay problems or fines.

If you get endorsed by Almighty God Matters, we will provide hosting and a template for your web site if you don’t have one. We would also provide templates for

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