Sone Campaign Suggestions for Candidates


To start you campaign, you will need web site and social media presence. You can get Facebook, Instagram, and twitter for free.. If you are endorsed by the American Christian caucus or you can receive free hosting of your website. All you have to do is purchase a domain name which costs about $16. You are you should also have postcards and Flyers and brochures. You can purchase 1000 4 color two sided business cards for $35 at sing sing Sign. You could also picture postcards and 4 color flyers thereat these prices. 500 postcards cost 199 and 1000 cost for 20– 1000 brochures cost 180 and 1000 cost 389 . Sing sing sign’s phone number is 702-457-7777.

In addition to hosting your website the ACC will provide a template for your business cards, your postcards and your brochures. You should have a flyer on your website that voters can download and give to their friends and neighbors whenever you contact the voter you should ask them to print out 10 or 20 Flyers and give them to their neighbors and their friends.

Another thing that is important is that you ask for donations. hen you talk to any potential voters you should ask them for a small donation. If they give it to you, it indicates that they are ready to vote for you .

You should also go to as many events that you can and talk to you about people about your candidacy. Many times the newspaper and radio or TV shows will provide you with a free video or publicity. You can also look and try and get interviewed add radio shows for free. Although many times they will want you to pay for it.

You should start campaigning as soon as possible especially if you have a primary that you need to win. If you have a primary start with your party and canvas them and try and get their votes so you can win the primary and get in the general election.

You can contact ACC by going to their website at If you would like to be endorsed by go to their website and fill out the AGM questionnaire.

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